Category: LockedDown

LockedDown – Day 24: Gratitude

Last week, I wrote about my lockdown essential items, and promised to write about the – often less tangible – things I am grateful for. When you consider that if lockdown had ended when it was originally supposed to, it would have been over for a few days already, I can imagine that there are some people really struggling out there, and as cheesy as it sounds, reflecting on the things you have to be grateful for can help.

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LockedDown – Day 15: Essentials

Last night, the president announced that the national lockdown would be extended for another two weeks. To be honest, I was expecting an extension to be announced at some point this week and I actually expected it to be for more than two weeks. I know there are some who are heaping criticism on Ramaphosa right now, because lockdown is most harsh on those who have the least and live in the worst conditions, but I think the reality we have to face is that those are the same people who would suffer the most if this virus really took hold in South Africa. I stay home for the people who don’t have access to decent sanitation and proper healthcare. He has the weight of a nation on his shoulders right now, and personally, I think our president has been doing a sterling job thus far.

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LockedDown – Day Eight: Venturing out

It’s taken me a little longer than I planned to write another post, not because nothing has been going on, but because too much has been going on! All you people talking about being bored, or about how we should all be doing fitness challenges, or learning a new skill, or baking up a storm, or even reading more during lockdown, please know that some of us don’t have more time on our hands, we have even less than usual!

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LockedDown – Day Two: An opportunity

So, starting just before 10am this morning, SuperSport 2 was an absolute feast of World Cup rugby – the full 1995 and 2007 finals, followed by the highlights of all the Springboks’ games in the 2019 RWC, and the full 2019 final is about to start. Let’s face it, even if I was allowed to leave the house, I wouldn’t have. (It also means I sang the anthem a few times today…probably a good thing that I live alone!)

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LockedDown – Day One: An anxious beginning

Social distancing 101

I thought now would be a good time to dust off this poor old blog, and share some thoughts during South Africa’s national lockdown, due to COVID-19. I can’t promise to write something every day, since, let’s face it, there’s unlikely to be a whole lot going on, but I thought it might be nice to do an occasional check in.

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