Category: Random thoughts (page 3 of 4)

The Ten Day Challenge – Day One

Admittedly, I’m always pretty bad about updating this site – I don’t like to just post for the sake of it, I’d rather have something to say – but lately I’ve been worse than usual! There’s just been so much on the go! So, in the spirit of forcing myself to post every day, I thought I’d join my lovely friend Chereen from For the Beauty of It in a ten day challenge. Also not the kind of thing I usually do, but hey. Continue reading

Choosing Childlessness

I’d like to think that as society, we have reached a place where a woman’s value is not dictated by the number of children she bears. But sadly, I think I am very much mistaken in that idealistic viewpoint. Continue reading

A Year of Lessons

It seems hard to believe but it’s been a whole year since I moved to Johannesburg. And boy what a year it’s been. Time has certainly flown by at an incredible pace, but I can’t truthfully say it’s always been fun…it’s been a bit of an emotional rollercoaster really. But more than that, it’s been a year of valuable lessons for me. Continue reading

Bright lights, big city

A little less than a year ago I wrote a post about how much I love Durban and how very little could convince me to move away from the best city in the world. It’s funny how much can change in the space of a year. Continue reading

The Happy Place

I am by no stretch of the imagination a religious person – the only ‘religions’ I subscribe to are chocolate and the endeavour to live a generous life (so yes, if you’re nice, I will give you my last Rolo) – but Christmas has always been a holiday that I love wholeheartedly. Admittedly, some of the shine has been rubbed off in the last few years. I put this down, not to age, but to the fact that I have worked Christmas Day five out of the last six years, including this year. When I first started working on Christmas Day, I used to rock up at the office, all sparkly, wearing my angel halo or reindeer antlers, and full of determination to make sure everyone else had a merry old time. But six years down the line, that enthusiasm has been somewhat dampened and I confess to feeling rather Scrooge-like about the whole affair. Continue reading

Fear and Loathing

So, today’s the day that irrational fears are supposed to come out and play…and funnily enough, a black cat did cross my path this morning. But don’t worry, this is not my confession that I dread Friday the 13th. The things that people are genuinely afraid of, despite all logical evidence, do fascinate me though. Continue reading


So, with the World Cup less than a week away, I suppose it’s time I post the promised rant about the upcoming spectacle. Now, I know lots of people may think that my objection to the World Cup has to do with the fact that I’d rather be pecked to death by chickens than watch soccer (football? who knows), but there’s more to it than that. Continue reading


Last week I discovered just how hard it is to expect someone to take you seriously when you are wearing bright pink pyjama pants and a virtually see-through t-shirt. At the time I was so angry that I wasn’t even thinking about my less-than-suitable attire (it was 6am after all), but in hindsight it was not my finest moment. Amazingly enough, bad spelling had nothing to do with this little tantrum. Instead, it was the sense of entitlement that some people seem to have developed when it comes to owning pets. Continue reading

Between the Covers

About six months ago, I was having a conversation with one of my favourite people, who also happens to be the smartest person I know. As usual, the conversation turned to books. Besides giving me some great suggestions of what to read, which I am always on the look out for, he said something which really struck a chord with me – if you read, you can never be bored. It’s so true. I have made it through 33 hours’ worth of flights and layovers without feeling bored for a second (only really, really sleepy!) thanks to the stash of books in my bag. I am always curious to know what on earth people who don’t read do in those kinds of situations. Continue reading

Surf City

Well, we seem to be on a little patriotic roll here at the moment so I thought I’d continue with it for the time being. I was also recently reading a post on one of my favourite blogs, Glossary, about what foreigners can expect during the Fifa World Cup, and I thought we really should be highlighting the special things Durban has to offer. If I had my way, I’d never live anywhere else in the world, so I thought I’d share a few of my favourite things to do and see in and around Surf City. Continue reading

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