The Ten Day Challenge – Day Nine

Whoever devised this ten day challenge must be crazy cakes. Yup, that is my official diagnosis, and I have my Honours in Psych so I must know what I’m talking about, right? I mean, first they wanted me to choose only four books, and now it’s two songs. TWO?! A girl who loves to car disco, loves to go out dancing and has done crazy things like spend 12 hours (each way) on a not-so-roadworthy bus to get to gigs has a lot more than two favourite songs for goodness sake! But I will pick two anyway, because I’m well-behaved like that.

In the interests of narrowing the field, I decided I would only pick South African songs, because generally when given the choice between watching or listening to the local bands I love versus the international acts, I’ll choose local every time. This still leaves me with a very difficult choice, but here goes:

1. GenieSpringbok Nude Girls. Okay, well that was an obvious choice. People who have been to SNG gigs with me know that I get so excited I literally shake. I have endured getting completely smooshed in multiple mosh pits to watch this band, and even when I can barely walk afterwards due to pulverised kneecaps, I’m still happy. I probably love Genie and Baby Murdered Me equally, but since I am being forced to choose here, I’ll go with Genie because it’s the first SNG song I really fell in love with. It reminds me of summer, and finishing school, and razzling with friends, and all kinds of other awesomeness. Happy face.

2. Soul VandalSugardrive. Eeek. Okay, so it was a tough call between Wonderboom and Sugardrive here. I love both bands equally, though their sounds and stage performances are quite different. But, since Sugardrive recently played their first gig in three years, and I have been totally spazzing out over this gig for months, I will choose them (sorry Wonderboom, I still love you!). My favourite song of theirs has to be Soul Vandal. Like all their songs, the lyrics are clever and haunting and beautiful. I could listen to this song forever.

Okay, I think I need some trauma counselling after that!


  1. Malcolm's Uncle

    Genie over Blue Eyes? Madness.

  2. Bel

    Why hello, Malcolm’s Uncle, it’s been a while! And I stand by my choice…although I do love Blue Eyes too of course.

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